Carlos Latuff is a well known Brazilian freelance cartoonist.
Carlos Latuff has been recognized as a supporter of socialism, peace,
secularism. Carlos Latuff has always condemned capitalist economic reforms,
American intervention and has also contributed many cartoons on the
Isareli-Palestinian issue. Many of his cartoons created controversies and
provoked debates.
Carlos Latuff's latest cartoon commenting on US and Russia agreement on Syria issue. Courtesy Carlos Latuff's personal blog |
Carlos Latuff |
Carlos Latuff is an anti establishment cartoonist. He has
attacked imperialistic powers with his strokes and words. Latuff often
criticizes Israel for its stand on Palestine; he refers Israeli government as the
Neo-Nazi which focuses on finishing up their enemy violently and brutally.
Latuff visited the Israel Palestine area in late 90’s which changed his view
about the issue. Latuff drew many cartoons in his `We are all Palestinians’
cartoon strip series. In this series Latuff even criticized and exposed foreign
interests of many leaders such as USA president George Bush, Birtish PM Tony
Bliar, Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Latuff got support from
many freedom loving groups for this movement. For his criticism on Israel,
Latuff has been criticized as an anti Jew.
Carlos Latuff has also worked extensively on the US-Iraq war
issue. He ran ‘Tales of Iraq War` cartoon series in the newspapers, magazines
and on his online blog. Latuff condemned how western powers are dominating
their policies on Middle East.
Carlos publishes his cartoons on the independent media
website and on his blog. His work also been picked by Brazilian publications
like Mad, Le Monde Diplomatique and the The Toronto Star. Some Arab websites
and publication such as Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance (JAMI) magazine,
the Saudi magazine Character, the Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar also prints
Carlo’s cartoons.