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Sunday 15 September 2013

Mustafa Hussein: An artist from Egypt

Mustafa Hussein is an Egyptian cartoonist. After receiving a degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Mustafa Hussein decided to pursue his career in cartooning.  Not only concluding his career option on cartooning, Mustafa went to become painter, artist, and journalist. Mstafa’s work is so flawless that universities like Oxford and Cambridge have felicitated him with certificate of appreciation.
Mustafa Hussein published Caricature, a cartoon magazine with the help of his cartoonist friend Ahmed Toughan. Together, they worked on many issues. Working in a hardcore Islamic country like Egypt often caused him trouble. Recently, in his editorial cartoon in local Akhbar al-Youm, Mustafa Hussein made satirical comment on Salafi movement amongst Sunni Muslims. Local volunteers working for Salafi movement openly hacked publications website and threaten not to publish such comments and cartoons again.
Unemployment, Al Akhbar newspaper, 2007

Mustafa Hussein is least bothered about such reactions and working as per his capacity and creativity. Hussein has bagged many prestigious awards for his works, the Gold Award for Duke of Edinburgh, The Order of Distinction, First Class as well as the State Incentive Award.  Hussein has always received certificate of excellence by an award given by International Festival of Cinema.

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